Self  Defense  Training  Institute
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Company Information

       Keith Worfel is the founder, owner, and lead instructor of the Self Defense Training Institute (SDTI), a division of the Traditional Wing Chun Gung Fu Foundation LLC.

       Since 1998, the founder of the SDTI has been providing enlightening and challenging experiences through teaching practical and effective self defense skills.

Having firmly developed the groundwork while living in Prescott, AZ, Keith moved to the Denver area in 2000 and officially founded his martial arts business, Wing Chun Denver, along with its sister organization, the Self Defense Training Institute.

       The SDTI was borne out of the dedication and passion that Keith has for the traditional Chinese martial art of Wing Chun Gung Fu. Wing Chun is a specialized art which employs specific techniques and observes respected traditions, but its amazingly effective yet deceptively simple techniques and principles are easily extracted and applied to any general self defense scenario. This makes Wing Chun the perfect martial art to lend its teachings seamlessly into the realm of general self defense training.

       Keith has had the extreme pleasure of helping to instill self-confidence and self-awareness to hundreds of participants who would otherwise not have such an opportunity. Past workshops have been conducted for organizations such as the Girl Scouts of America, various grade schools and colleges, Women’s Center of Yavapai County, Big Brothers/Big Sisters, Flight For Life at St. Anthony’s Central Hospital, and the Denver Film Society.

       The SDTI is the portal through which Keith can apply his passion to provide the general public with non-martial arts training events, with Wing Chun-specific martial arts training events, and with armed tactical & safety training in the forms of customized & nationally certified courses.

       These self defense workshops and demo’s can fulfill a need for many people who:

1.) cannot devote the time necessary to study a traditional style of martial arts,

2.) simply do not have the desire to study a traditional style of martial arts, and/or

3.) do not have local access to a qualified school.

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