Self  Defense  Training  Institute
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Services Offered

       Workshops: interactive hands-on self defense training sessions conducted in a controlled environment. It’s a practical and efficient method of fusing motor skills with knowledge and insight to effectively prepare oneself to deal with a real-life threatening encounter. Workshops are a highly effective and popular way for any individual or group to learn the basics of self defense in a short amount of time.

       Demonstrations: an exhibition of self defense principles and techniques, with little to no hands-on interaction by the observers, which can be easily taught to large groups of any size.

       Certification Courses: short, intense courses designed for professionals to supplement and amplify their conditioning, sports, or defensive classes.

       All training is customized to meet your specific group or individual needs, and can incorporate varied amounts of hand-to-hand combat, edged weapons defense, and firearms defense.

       Variable factors such as location, duration, and number of participants are easily accommodated. The Self Defense Training Institute has the experience and flexibility to provide you with the best possible and most productive experience, whether you’re an individual seeking personal development, self protection, or rape prevention measures, or an organization wishing to provide a team building exercise, to generate publicity, or to recruit potential customers.

“Learning is not compulsory, but neither is survival.”   - W. Edwards Deming

Workshop Demo Course