Self  Defense  Training  Institute
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Certification Course

       The SDTI Self Defense Certification Courses are ideal for those involved in any type of self defense or physically active practice, such as fitness instructors, personal trainers, and self defense instructors. New ideas, teaching philosophies, and self defense drills and techniques can be seamlessly incorporated into your current instructing routine.

       As with the SDTI Workshop, the Cert Courses are not designed to teach a specific type of martial art, but many of the principles and techniques are based on the traditional Chinese martial art of Wing Chun Gung Fu.

What is taught: 3 levels of Certification Courses are offered, plus remedial lessons.

All courses encompass not only physical fighting techniques, drills, and scenarios, but also explore detailed philosophies and principles of combat, its prevention, and its effects.

Duration: Each Course level consists of 5 lessons; each lesson lasts for 1.5 hours.

Location: Unless otherwise requested and agreed upon, the lessons will held at the SDTI headquarters in Centennial, near I-25 and Arapahoe Rd.

Cost: $80 for each lesson individually, or $350 if paying for a Course in full.

Certificates Of Completion and all necessary training equipment are included.

For further details, please call or email Keith at the SDTI.

Workshop Demo Course