Self  Defense  Training  Institute
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Frequently Asked Questions


What is the cost, and what kind of programs are offered?

For an explanation of the services and fees offered, please refer to the Services section.


Are the workshops safe?

The interactive hands-on workshop is conducted in a very safe, fun, and non-competitive environment. There is some risk involved, as there is with every type of physical activity, but these workshops are no less safe than any typical recreational sport.


What is the duration of the training?

You decide how long the event will last. A popular duration for a workshop is 2 hours, and a demonstration averages 30 minutes. Half-day, full day, or weekend workshops are also an option.

Who is the teacher?

The lead instructor of the SDTI is Keith Worfel, who is also its founder and owner.

Where is the SDTI located?

In Centennial, CO, conveniently located near I-25 & Arapahoe Rd: address & map.


Why should I attend one of these workshops?

The most common and most prominent reason to attend these workshops is for personal protection for oneself and one’s family. A little training does indeed go a very long way.

Other common reasons: it’s mentally and physically challenging and fun, you can develop a greater level of confidence and situational awareness, organizations can use it as a Team Building activity, it’s an ideal outlet for tension and aggression, and it could even save your life or that of a loved one.

Who can participate in a workshop?

Anyone willing to experience an educational yet exciting challenge is encouraged to attend. Whether it’s for private individuals, corporations, or charities... this is YOUR event. No prior experience is required, and there is no minimum age limit.

Can I really learn a lot in 1 session?

Yes. For a first-time practitioner in particular, the learning curve increases exponentially due to the highly efficient and effective techniques and principles that are presented and performed.

What should I wear during the workshop?

Loose-fitting, comfortable clothing, including sneakers or other footwear; whatever you might wear for a normal workout.

What should I expect during the workshop?

Although each workshop is tailored to meet the client’s needs and the number of participants involved, a typical workshop is composed of practicing many simple yet highly effective self defense techniques. These techniques cover a broad range of scenarios, including attacking & defending against unarmed as well as armed assailants. Necessary emphasis is also placed on theories and principles of self defense; mental and emotional aspects of fighting are quite often overlooked, yet just as important as physical aspects.

Where are the workshops held?

Workshops are typically held at the SDTI headquarters, near I-25 & Arapahoe Rd (exit 197).  

However, for your convenience, the SDTI may travel to your location.

Will I be learning a martial art?

No, not unless specifically requested by the client. The standard workshop is intended to teach gen-eral self defense techniques and theories. However, the instructor is fully trained and certified in the traditional Chinese martial art of Wing Chun Gung Fu, so that type of workshop is indeed an option.